Journal #5 - Twitter
I have had a Twitter for a few years and do not really use it often. I mainly use Twitter to follow my favorite bands/artists and also other personal interests. I read the posts and watched the videos but I have also been informed from my students that they do not really use twitter to often any more because more and more teachers are seeing what they post and the students do not want the teachers to see their posts. I have more and more students using SnapChat. I think the idea of using social media in the classroom is great and should be done to some extent. I also know that using social media comes with risks of being hacked. I know that my twitter has been hacked several times and I have had to delete some obscene and inappropriate post that were uploaded and shared. My concern with using social media in the class is that there may be issues with students being hacked and non-academic posts being made. In class we were shown how easy it is to hack a persons Facebook or other site where passwords are saved. Also, a concern I have with this is the accessibility to social media. I still have students who do not have cell phones of other access to the Internet except from their home, this is outside of school, and during school they need to go to the library. In the end I think there will be more applications that will be designed for classroom use.
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