Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Journal 7 - Week 7: Professional Learnig Networks

       So to start this blog i must say I have been teaching for 3 years and this is year 4 as an official teacher. I have worked in classrooms for the past 8 years and in colleges for about four years also. The professional learning networks I am a part of are not on Twitter or RSS feed and I have not really used them to their full extent. I work with a group that is focused on teaching in an all male environment and also in a Roman Catholic environment. I also AM a member of the California Mathematics Council, which is focused at -12 education in all settings. As twitter goes I do not use it in my class I use an App called Remind 101, Moodle, and Google Classroom. At the school I am at we also have our own webpages on our site that can also send messages and be use as a network to communicate with students. As for my experience with RSS feed and Twitter I do not really have much feed back expect it is another forum to look to if an educator is looking for now ideas. I hope you enjoyed reading my blogs thus far.

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